Currently available Cocker Spaniel puppies
View our puppies online or come into our store to see them in person.Information about the Cocker Spaniel
Contact Canine Corral about Cocker Spaniel puppiesCanine Corral works with our reputable Cocker Spaniel dog breeders. Come visit us in person at our retail store: Directions to Canine Corral
Cocker Spaniels are a medium sized breed. Cocker Spaniel puppies come in a variety of colors. Cocker Spaniel puppies require weekly brushing. Cocker Spaniel pups shed, so this breed is not recommended for families with dog allergies. Cocker Spaniel puppies need socialization as they grow up. Cocker Spaniel puppies like to exercise with their owners, making this a good breed for active adults. Get your Cocker Spaniel puppy at Canine Corral.
Average Life Span: 10 - 12 years.
Activity level: High
Litter Size: 1 - 12 puppies.
Male Cocker Spaniel
- Height: 14.0″-16.0″
- Weight: 25.0-40.0 lbs.
Female Cocker Spaniel
- Height: 14.0″-16.0″
- Weight: 20.0-35.0 lbs.
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